Sunday, August 25, 2013

working with Wordpress

Just a tips:
I've been working with a WordPress site for a while. In the beginning, it was a easy step to just log in to phpMyAdmin, download a backup of the DB as a sql script, make any changes and if that broke everything I'll just upload the script and everything was back and running...
But, the size of the DB kept growing, the download and upload time kept growing, the hosting had some max limit in upload size... I had to split the script manually in smaller parts, upload several scripts...  Not as easy as it was.

Well, Solution: I made a second DB through phpMyAdmin, and set up the same user access on it.
Now, I make a backup copying from one DB to the other (almos instantly) and doesn't have to download, upload anything.

In phpMyAdmin 3.5.2, with a DB selected go to Menu > Operations > Copy database to:

   Structure only
X Structure and data
   Data only
   CREATE DATABASE before copying
X Add constraints
   Switch to copied database


Friday, September 30, 2011

Google Images: searching similar images, even from the desktop!

Some time ago Google Images started to let you find similar images than one selected, just by dragging an image to the textbox (try it: saerch an image, then from the results start dragging an image toward the textbox on top of the page, and another box appear... you simply drop the image in it, and G searches for similar images)


But I just notice that you can search for similar images as an image you have on your desktop! Open Google Images, and drag an image from your desktop (or elsewhere on your harddrive) and drop it in the searchbox. Voilá!

this works in chrome + mac os x 10.5... but I shall try other combinations.

Another great thing is that the image does not have to be called something special, G guesses what your criteria should be to have similar answers.

Like it a lot!

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Olidata JumPC Gnome desktop - Cuadros de diálogos demasiado grandes para la pantalla

Las Olidata JumPC tienen una pantalla de 800x480. Algunos cuadros de diálogos y/o programas en Gnome no están muy ajustados para esta resolución.
Va una solución transitoria pero eficaz y fácil de usar:

Edit: Existe otra solución más sencilla aun:

Menú Sistema > Preferencias >Ventanas

En la sección "Tecla de movimiento" tildar : ALT

Ahora, cuando tenemos una ventana que se sale del borde, apretamos la tecla ALT en el teclado y con el mouse la podemos arrastrar para que entre lo que queremos ver.

Una solución mucho más sencilla que la detallada más abajo, aunque no la excluyo pues puede que aun sea útil en los casos que no pueda usar la tecla ALT...


Rotar la pantalla:

paso1: menu Sistema > Preferencias > Pantalla  :

paso2: Seleccionar abajo a la derecha: Rotación > Izquierdo

paso3: como el botón de OK está más abajo y justamente no se ve hay que ir con la tecla de tabulador dos veces para llegar a él:

En este momento la pantalla se rotará 90 grados, y lo más sencillo es rotar la computadora para ver lo que uno hace... (bastante complicado si se está usando el touchpad, pero bien sencillos si uno está usando el mouse)

paso4: el sistema preguntará si se ve bien la pantalla y nos da 30 segundos para elegir "Mantener configuración", y si no aceptamos se "Restara la opción anterior" volviendo la pantalla

Ahora viene la parte interesante: si uno marca "Mostrar pantallas en el panel" se agregará en el menú, cerca de la hora, un ícono que nos dará acceso directo a rotar la pantalla, sin necesidad de todos estos pasos!

paso6: Aplicar los cambios y cerrar el cuadro de diálogo.

Ahora cuando necesitemos, vamos directamente al ícono y únicamente nos preguntará si querémos aplicar los cambios...

Esto lo levanté de un mail de  Mauricio Viera, en la lista olpc-uruguay, agregando los screenshots y el último paso.

Espero sirva de algo...

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Span across multiple columnos - Indesign CS5

At last: you can have a header span across multiple columns in Indesign CS5!

and also have text split in multiple columnos, independent of the columns set up in the text box it is in.


Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Linotype Fontexplorer 1.2.3 for CS5

I'm using Linotype Fontexplorer 1.2.3 which is free, though I don't know if it's still aviable for download from Linotype's web.
But somewhere on the web I found the tips that I can use the plugins from Fontexplorer 2, to have Fontexplorer 1.2.3 to work with CS4... Worked like a charm. But now we upgraded to CS5!

Well, I just downloaded Fontexplorer 2.5.2 trial, run it (without install), added the plugins for CS5, and then quit the trial and ajected the image...

What I now have is CS5 with the plugins from Fontexplorer 2.5.2, working perfectly together with Fontexplorer 1.2.3


Wednesday, December 29, 2010

MathType and strange char in path

Received a math book (made in Indesign) to make some changes, full with equations made in MathType. The language is spanish, so the folders they put all the equations in had some usual spanish letters in it ( "work/matemáticas II/capítulo1/links/...")

We couldn't open any equation with MathType, and the trouble was these spanish letters in the path!

for some reason MathType does not go the same way as any other app on the mac, accepting the path as-is....

Keep in mind!


Monday, August 23, 2010

decimal dot vs decimal comma

Have this issue in illustrator and photoshop:

using an English mac os x, and English adobe suite, but locale international in spanish, and spanish keyboard.

in English you use decimal dot: 123.50
in Spanish you use decimal comma: 123,50

so the decimal key in the numeric keypad to the right on the (normal) keyboard, is set to a comma if you have the set-up like above.

Well, while Indesign doesn't care which is the actual decimal symbol, and accepts indistinctly a comma or a dot in dialog-boxes or panels, this is not the case with Illustrator nor Photoshop:

Try to set a line to "0,25 mm" in an English Illustrator and you will receive an error.
You have to set it to "o.25 mm".
Very annoying to put in a lot of values in the Transformation panel with decimals, if you have to move your hand from the numeric keypad to the dot key in the normal keyboard an
d back to the numeric keypad to write "123.456"

Here is a solution:
find out if your set-up switch from comma to dot with CTRL+decimal key in the numeric keypad. Or with SHIFT or some other combinations...
In my case adding CTRL to decimal key was the thing.

You still have to use both hands, but still much easier than before.

This i still annoying in some cases, because in the drop-down menu for setting line width has a list of "0,1", "0,25", "0,5", "1", "1,5"... and these values are not accepted by the program itself... stupid thing.

As a curiosity, for you that thought that your decimal separator was the only one:

UPDATE: using CS5 now, and seems to be fixed...