Wednesday, December 29, 2010

MathType and strange char in path

Received a math book (made in Indesign) to make some changes, full with equations made in MathType. The language is spanish, so the folders they put all the equations in had some usual spanish letters in it ( "work/matemáticas II/capítulo1/links/...")

We couldn't open any equation with MathType, and the trouble was these spanish letters in the path!

for some reason MathType does not go the same way as any other app on the mac, accepting the path as-is....

Keep in mind!


Monday, August 23, 2010

decimal dot vs decimal comma

Have this issue in illustrator and photoshop:

using an English mac os x, and English adobe suite, but locale international in spanish, and spanish keyboard.

in English you use decimal dot: 123.50
in Spanish you use decimal comma: 123,50

so the decimal key in the numeric keypad to the right on the (normal) keyboard, is set to a comma if you have the set-up like above.

Well, while Indesign doesn't care which is the actual decimal symbol, and accepts indistinctly a comma or a dot in dialog-boxes or panels, this is not the case with Illustrator nor Photoshop:

Try to set a line to "0,25 mm" in an English Illustrator and you will receive an error.
You have to set it to "o.25 mm".
Very annoying to put in a lot of values in the Transformation panel with decimals, if you have to move your hand from the numeric keypad to the dot key in the normal keyboard an
d back to the numeric keypad to write "123.456"

Here is a solution:
find out if your set-up switch from comma to dot with CTRL+decimal key in the numeric keypad. Or with SHIFT or some other combinations...
In my case adding CTRL to decimal key was the thing.

You still have to use both hands, but still much easier than before.

This i still annoying in some cases, because in the drop-down menu for setting line width has a list of "0,1", "0,25", "0,5", "1", "1,5"... and these values are not accepted by the program itself... stupid thing.

As a curiosity, for you that thought that your decimal separator was the only one:

UPDATE: using CS5 now, and seems to be fixed...

Friday, May 21, 2010

Folder icons in the dock

Something that has been annoying for as long as I use mac os x is that if I put a folder in the dock (it automatically adds itself between the application icons and the trash icon) then I can see what's inside the folder, but I couldn't make the OS to actually open up a new window with the content of the follder itself.
I did want it to behave as the "buttons" view in mac os classic - one-click opens the folder.
I can see it as a grid, as a fan, or as a list (I'm still using Leopard 10.5.x - maybe there are more options in Snow Leopard?), or right click it and choose "open", which still are a lot off clicks for me.
The closest I could get is left clicking on the folder together with Command Key, which opens up the parent folder... still annoying!

Well, the solution was simple:
before you put the folder in the dock, make an alias of the folder, put it somewhere where it do not get lost and then put the alias in the dock.

Voila! The original folder opens up when you click on it, instead of a grid or fan or a list...

I now have a special folder saved, where I put aliases to Downloads, My Documents, Servers... - all of them put in the dock.
Off course there are some folders that are just fine to open up as a nice fan, or grid - Applications for example...


Thursday, May 13, 2010

QuickLook macosx - add more files to preview

To install QuickLook plugins, you should copy the “*.qlgenerator” file into /Library/QuickLook/ or ~/Library/QuickLook/. Note that “*” in the filename will vary based on exactly which QuickLook item you choose to install.

If a QuickLook folder is not present, feel free to create one.

After copying the file into the directory you will need to logout and then back in to your account for it to become active. Alternatively, you can prevent having to logout by running the following command in Terminal:

qlmanage -r

This will force OS X to search /Library/QuickLook and ~/Library/QuickLook for plugins and load them accordingly.

Browse for new plugins:

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Howto install VoodooPS2Controller and remove PS2 keyboard fix

Sep 14, 2009

I had a problem and a headache with VoodooPS2Controller a few days ago. According to its 'manual', we don't need ACPIPS2Nub and we must delete it before installing VoodooPS2Controller or we'll get a kernel panic. Great.
I looked into S/L/E, deleted ApplePS2Controller.kext and installed Voodoo and after restart I got the kernel panic. Great.
Yes, I didn't delete ACPIPS2Nub because I didn't find it in S/L/E. I thought it was removed during installing OSX (iPC 10.5.6 DVD). I was wrong.
The path to
ACPIPS2Nub.kext isS/L/E/AppleACPIPlatform.kext/Content/Plugins (right click on AppleACPI... and Show Package Contents). Tricky. I think everybody on the Earth knew it. I learn something new on every day.

IMPORTANT: This is for 10.5.x and below! On Snow Leopard ACPIPS2Nub must be installed!




« on: April 23, 2009, 07:30:37 AM »
The VoodooPS2Controller is a replacement for the ApplePS2 or other derivative patched ps2 controller kexts. It is a plug in replacement that will not be overwritten by any system update since it uses it's own kexts and not modified Apple ones.

New Features for the VoodooPS2 Controller

  • No need for ACPIPS2Nub. Delete it before installing this or you’ll get a kernel panic
  • Loadable from /Extra/Extensions.mkext
  • 102-key keyboard support
  • Support for mixed usb/ps2 configurations
  • Resolution fix for PS2mouse (set ForceDefaultResolution to true in Contents/Plugins/VoodooPS2Mouse.kext/Info.plist to activate)
  • Support for scrolling on ALPS (untested)
  • Support for Sentelic touchpad (untested)
  • Advanced Synaptics touchpad. All kinds of scrolling known to humanity including multi-finger and side scrolling


Just install as any kext with kexthelper or add it to /Extra/Extensions.mkext

Many features may be controlled using Apples Preference Pane
For more configuration you may want to have a look at
and at IOKitPersonalities/Synaptics Touchpad/Configuration node.
The same settings are also available through dedicated panel (optional)

Package: kalyway
VoodooPS2Controller (core): turbo
Resolution fix for PS2Mouse: mackerintel
Synaptics driver: mackerintel
Sentelic Driver: nhand42
Alps driver: phb
Keyboard fixes: Chunnan & jape
Synaptics Prefpane design: bumby
Synpatics Prefpane: mackerintel

Great thanks to Dense for helping with activating vanilla trackpad prefpane


« Last Edit: April 23, 2009, 07:49:42 AM by sckevyn »

Monday, May 10, 2010

Linotype Free Font explorer with CS4

THanks to Wilco :

who posted this:

I managed to get the linotype fontexplorer free version working with CS4. Here is how:

  1. Download the Fontexplorer Pro version; open the image
  2. Choose view package and go to Resources, Plugins
  3. Get the CS4 plugins and copy them to your desktop. (.zip files)
  4. Now unmount & throw the pro-version away
  5. Unpack the zipped files and put the plugins in the program-plugin-folders
  6. Restart Linotype and your other to-be-font-managed-programs and you have it all working

UPDATE: using InDesign CS5 and made same thing, which one more time worked ;-)